Class 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Tench


Welcome to Class 3

My name is Mrs Tench and I am the class teacher for Year 5 and Year 6.  We also have Mrs Garnham working in Class 3 and she does most of the cover when I am not there.

I teach in the classroom 4 days a week.  These days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.  On a Thursday I am the SENCo and Mrs Rees our HLTA teaches on this day.  

I have a Wednesday afternoon to prepare, plan and assess work and during this time, Mrs Garnham teaches French and My Happy Mind.

Every other Tuesday I also have planning time and Mrs Garnham covers then too.


This term we are learning about:

Geography - Energy

History - Ancient Greece/Does the punishment always fit the crime?

Computing - Tinkercad

Art and Design - painting skills (artist focus: David Hockney) 

Design Technology - pop up books (mechanisms)

Music - Dynamics, beats and texture and composition

PE - Swimming (every Friday)

Science - Electricity

RE - Sikhism and Christianity

We follow Whiterose Maths and use their scheme of work we are currently working on additon and subtraction and will be moving on to multiplication and division and will be moving on to fractions and decimals.  On a Thursday Mrs Rees will be teaching area, perimeter and volume.

We follow Literacy Counts and follow their schemes for writing and spelling.  Our writing is currently focusing on the book FarTher by Grahame Baker-Smith.

Children will receive their spelling lists every half term and they link to the spellings they are learning in the lessons.  There are also two or three words from the Year 5/6 statutory word list.  If the lists are lost, there are spare sheets attached to the notice board in class or you can download them on here.

Homework - we do not give weekly homework out to the children as we feel that they need to focus on key skills such as learning their spellings, timestables and reading at home.








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Contact the School

Duddon St Peter's Primary School

Tarporley Rd

Head teacher:
Paul Hudson B. Ed., NPQH

Main Contact: Abigail Langan

Tel: 01829 781366

SEN Contact: Holly Tench

SEN Email: