Contact with parents and frequently asked questions

We regard parents as equal partners and believe that from the start, it is vital that parents   and   staff   work   closely   together; parents   should   have   the opportunity  to  tell  us  about  their  child and learn about our nursery. Sharing our knowledge will enable us to plan appropriate experiences and learning opportunities.

We provide a range of opportunities to inform you about your child’s progress and the activities which they are involved:

  • Parents’ evenings: These are held each term.
  • Learning Journey books: Throughout your child's time at Treetops, a 'Learning Journey' portfolio is created. We use the on-line Learning Journey ‘Tapestry’ alongside a book with writing/number and annotated observations.
  • WOW books: We encourage parents to share children’s achievements at home by writing about them and sharing photographs in these books, which can then be shared with the group.
  • Informal discussions: Staff are generally available to talk to you at the beginning and end of each session.  We encourage continuous dialogue between home and nursery to share what is happening in your child’s life. If you need to talk to us privately, please let us know so that we can arrange a convenient time to meet.
  • Notice boards: These are situated in the cloakroom and are regularly updated with information for parents.

Frequestly asked questions

Will I have to leave my child immediately? Once your child's place is confirmed we will be in touch to arrange your pre-start visits/settling in sessions. This helps familiarise you and your child with our setting and the team. It consists of two or more sessions where you experience our nursery 'in action'. Once your child is settled we recommend that you leave promptly after drop off in order to give your child time to become independent. If your child is upset when you leave them please do not worry, we will always ring you to reassure you.

What if my child attends more than one setting? We work in partnership with other providers to ensure that your child learns and develops well. If needed, we encourage multi-agency working and have close links with all our primary schools to ensure smooth transition when the time comes.

What if my child is ill or needs medicine? Please telephone the school office to notify us of any reason for your child's absence. If your child is poorly whilst at nursery, we will call you immediately. Children who are already ill must not be sent in. Prescribed medicines may be administered in the Foundation Stage Unit but only if an ‘Administration of Medicine’ form has been filled in. Other medicines e.g. paracetamol, should not be brought to school.

Bringing things from home We do not encourage children to bring in toys, but sometimes young children need a comforter. It will be fine for them to bring that in to Treetops, but once settled, they will be asked to put it into our ‘special basket’ to ensure that it does not get lost. It will be given back to them at the end of the session.
What if my child has an allergy? This information would have been included on the emergency details form given to you on entrance. We will therefore avoid any triggers.
Can parents/carers come in to help? Yes! We like the children to settle for the first half term before putting out a parent rota to choose a session to come in and help. Unfortunately, for insurance purposes, no siblings are allowed. Parents are DBS checked.
What if my child isn’t toilet trained? We really prefer that your child is toilet trained when they start with us. If your child is soiled in nursery, please do not worry, we have changing facilities and trained staff – accidents happen! Each child needs to have a bag of spare clothes on his/ her peg in the cloakroom.
Does the nursery go on visits? Yes – we encourage learning outside the nursery setting too. Educational visits are carefully planned and risk assessed. A high proportion of parent helpers is vital.






Contact the School

Duddon St Peter's Primary School

Tarporley Rd

Head teacher:
Paul Hudson B. Ed., NPQH

Main Contact: Abigail Langan

Tel: 01829 781366

SEN Contact: Holly Tench

SEN Email: